Cooee Art to become Art Leven
One of Australia’s most respected Indigenous galleries enters a new era.

Money Sullies Art: Hungry Art Student Eats Banana Artwork
When a public encounter with art results in damage to the work, intended or not, it’s almost always a source of amusement. And the resulting media reports invariably include the price of the work, to emphasise art’s ridiculous precarious preciousness.

Art Fairs: With Covid shackles almost a distant memory…
The art fairs you should pay attention to in the upcoming quarter.
Art World Problems: Go West Young Man
Amidst factors contributing to the contemporary art scene revival happening in Perth right now, its advantage of proximity to thriving Asian art capitals will in one stroke solve the problem of its isolation from other Australian capital cities.

Laree Payne to debut prominent new addition to its stable
Sarah Smuts-Kennedy joins Hamilton gallery.

DAAF is back and bigger than ever
The Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair brings together 70 Art Centres for its 17th edition.