Gaymala Yunupinu, Djirikitj, 1998. Courtesy: the artist and Performance Arts Culture Cessnock (PACC), Wonnarua Country/Cessnock.
This exhibition celebrates the intergenerational tradition of songspirals and milkarri by Yolŋu women from North East Arnhem Land. Milkarri, a profound element in Yolŋu life, is an ancient song, poem, map, ceremony, and guide. Only women perform milkarri.
The exhibition showcases print-making, weaving, and audiovisual works tied to the Yolŋu kinship system, Gurrutu, and five songspirals: Wuymirri (whale), Wukun (cloud gathering), Guwak (messenger bird), Wititj (rainbow serpent), and Goŋ-Gurtha (fire keeper). It offers a glimpse into the Yolŋu people’s knowledge and traditions as they live songspirals today.
Opening Event: Saturday 6 July, 12 – 2pm.