Beth Kennedy, Pocketful Of Stars, 2022. Acrylic, ink, gouache and aerosol on canvas, 122 x 152cm. Courtesy: the artist and Anthea Polson Art, Gold Coast.
Brisbane-based Beth Kennedy’s inaugural exhibition with Anthea Polson Art ushers the viewer into a light-hearted, aesthetic realm beyond extraneous concerns.
She explains that the title for this body of work, A Pocket Full of Stars, evolved during isolation and the contemplative atmosphere that is a prerequisite for the creative process. “The stars refer to moments of illumination and the little jewel-like memories that we carry close with us as if in our pockets. Recalled precious moments in time are akin to accumulated tiny pinpricks of light that can generate our very own stars. The paintings are a celebration of life, family and love.”
Initially a figurative artist, Kennedy abandoned such depictions feeling they were becoming too personal. She currently prefers to create more “universally appealing” subjects. Pattern, colour and compositional factors now unite in abstracted, botanical shapes hovering over the picture plane.
Opening Event: Saturday 25 March, 4 – 6 pm.
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