Broni Sargeson, cysters. Photo: Cassie Abraham. Courtesy: the artist and sydenham international, Sydney.
Curated by Tegan Garnett, eating glass brings together three emerging artists working with glass: Broni Sargeson, Louis Grant, and Lucy Whitelaw. At experimental art space sydenham international these artists will offer notes on queerness, with glass both a relevant medium and a sublime substance of investigation. The conversations between these three artists consist of queering the conventions of glass, and articulating the metaphors that glass as a material depicts of queer bodies, sexuality, gender, and social navigation.
Fluid and unfixed, glass is a strikingly pertinent material for exploring queerness. The use of glass to illustrate queer experience has precedents in international contemporary art but is less showcased locally. This exhibition connects some of the Australian artists working with the material contributing to a queer discourse. Showing contemporary glass in an experimental art space, an innovative shift from the more commercial context glass is commonly presented in.