Eliza Gosse, Act Like You Belong And Nobody Will Ask, 2022. Oil on canvas, 122 x 152cm. Courtesy: the artist and MARS Gallery.
“If you act like you belong here nobody will ask. Thank goodness you wore your silk scarf. Smile politely at the woman in her tennis whites at reception and request two towels. Success. Nestle into the red pool lounge and position your adjustable sunshade. Call for two margaritas.”
Pool Towels Are Softer At Tennis Clubs is a series of paintings based on a recent trip to California. The works are derived predominantly from clubs, motels and hotels in Palm Springs and Los Angeles. I was not staying nor invited into any of them.
Opening event: Saturday 24 September; Artist Q&A 11am – 1pm; Opening drinks 3 – 5pm.