Betty Russ, A Leakage of Wholes, 2023, installation view, Firstdraft. Found organic objects, PVC, tubing, reusable cable ties, steel, soy-silk, chlorophyll, H2O, sound. Photo: Jessica Maurer. Courtesy: the artist and Bathurst Regional Art Gallery, Bathurst.
In A land for the living, travel to alienesque soy laboratories offered by Lismore based Betty Russ where conscious and clairvoyant plants tell us where we are headed; passing through Soil Fields of Victoria Pham to listen to worlds unheard, drawing inspiration from scientific research regarding drought management, and environmental and geological surveys of Bathurst, blending projection, sound, and bio-installation to offer an immersive, fantasy landscape.
Glimpse dystopic capitalist realities presented by Indigenous media group Karrabing Collective, while we mourn the melt of glacial ice and observe the release of their ancient memories in an installation by Janet Laurence including work made during her AAD Fellowship at Casey Station, Antarctica and via Pratchaya Phinthong, travel across seas to Laos, the most bombed country on the planet, to feel the scars that remain in the forests which protect against future violence.