First Class 23, installation view. Courtesy: the artists and Museum of Art and Culture Lake Macquarie, Booragul.
In 2024, The Museum of Art and Culture yapang continues to honour and recognise the voice of their local youth with the First Class 23 exhibition.
This highly anticipated exhibition has built a strong reputation as a place where ideas, beliefs and creativity intersect. The students represent schools from Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Central Coast and the Hunter, and their work reflects the scope and depth of the NSW HSC Visual Arts syllabus. Each year participants create artworks that explore their world and position themselves within it.
Exhibited artists include Airlie Butterworth, Jiawen Shi, Alessandra Martinelli, Joop Van de Wijgaart, Anna Crutcher, Justin Dawson, Archie Brennan, Kasey Tudor, Bella Crouch, Kayla Penfold, Brydie Hoad, Keeley Smith, Charli Balzer, Kyle Bangoy, Chelsea Brohier, Lia Trueman, Chloe Chiong, Liana Ponsen, Connie Huang, Maddeline Dawson, Danyella Yates, Madeline Hayes, Ella Cupitt, Madeline Lilley, Elle Vitnell, Mia Byrne, Emma Berghout, Mikayla de Lacy Peek, Emma Cox, Milly Hampson, Evelina Moloney, Molly Bell, Freya Vial, Olivia Watson, Gemma Staveley, Paige Farnant, Georgia Thiveos, Poppy Grady, Grey Bock, Samantha Angulo, Hannah Brown, Samuel Troyer, Hannah Moreau, Shany Eidels, Isabella Luo, Sienna Gillespie, Isobelle Zwart, Sophie Colla, Jack White, Talia Falconer, Jasmine Seeney, Talullah Gardiner, Jenbae McIlroy, Tylah Bligh.