Throughout history and across cultures, the idea of the landscape genre has served many masters. The connection of place to our history cannot be underestimated. In Australia, artists have used the landscape for many reasons beyond the picturesque imaging of the natural beauty of this land. Artists have always composed images to tell stories of the past and present. In the past, the genre has been used as an agent of colonisation; in effect, painting the landscape was a way of ideologically possessing a place. In recent decades, there has been an irrefutable acknowledgement of traditional ownership of this land due in no small part to how First Nation artists have imaged the landscape
Exhibited artists include Adam Cullen, Nyurapayia Nampitjinpa (Mrs Bennett), Wentja Morgan Napaltjarri, Naata Nungurrayi, Jorna Newberry, Brett Whiteley, Kirsty Neilson, Suzanne Archer, Paul Ryan, Caroline Zilinsky, Stephanie Eather, Suzanne Archer, James Powditch, Peter Gardiner, Adam Nudelman, John Olsen, John Glover and Tony Mighell.
Opening Event: Saturday 2 September, 2 – 4pm.