Jon Campbell, Yeah/Gertrude, 2013, Geelong Gallery, Gift of Bob and Gail Bett through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program, 2020. Courtesy: The gallery and the artist.
The Gertrude Editions is a series of limited edition works released annually by Gertrude Contemporary since 2002. Over the twenty-year history of the Editions, Gertrude Contemporary has commissioned former studio artists and past exhibitors, each of whom has developed a successful career and achieved significant Australian and international recognition. The Gertrude Editions promote the connection between these leading Australian artists and new studio artists at what is widely acknowledged as the primary incubator for visual artistic talent in Australia.
In 2020, Geelong Gallery received the gift of fifteen Gertrude Editions from local collectors Robert and Gail Bett and family, who had collected works since the release of the first edition by Gertrude Contemporary in 2002. This significant gift reflects the Betts’ enthusiastic collecting, and their strong commitment to contemporary artists and philanthropy. Their gift brings into the Geelong Gallery collection the work of some of the most highly regarded contemporary Australian artists working locally and abroad.
Some of the artists participating include – Ricky Swallow, Kate Beynon, Emily Floyd, David Noonan, Jon Campbell, Nicholas Mangan, and Michelle Ussher, amongst others.