Bridget Baskerville, Work in progress, 2023. Courtesy: the artist and Canberra Contemporary Art Space, Canberra.
With Nature brings together a selection of contemporary Australian artists who have produced works in collaboration with the environment, where the landscape has influenced the outcome of the work, to speak of Earth’s transformation due to our influence. The pandemic demonstrated the power of human collaboration during perilous times, however the unfathomable levels of collaboration at work in the natural environment offers invaluable lessons for contemplation. Featuring a range of artists working in photography, drawing, sculpture and textiles, the exhibition poses the question: how can we collaborate with our natural environment to better understand how to live a sustainable future on this planet?
Exhibited artists include Bridget Baskerville, Megan Cope, Wendy Dawes, Marley Dawson, Sammy Hawker and Annika Romeyn.