Anthea Polson, Listening Softly To The Whispers Of The World, 2022. Acrylic on canvas, 152 x 106cm. Courtesy: the artist and Anthea Polson Art.
Art has long been considered a mirror where glimpses of life’s meaning may be experienced. Imbued with a rich fabric of otherness, symbolism and imagination, the intricate depictions in Jill Lewis‘ works defy convention and category. Interior and exterior, visible and invisible, ancient and new, meld together in a lyricism that evokes the power of possibility. Everything is connected.
Along with allegorical implications that in some cases extend to environmental concerns, each of Lewis’s canvases share a compositional connectivity in figure, shape and colour placement. She explains that the narrative outcomes rarely begin with a preconceived intent. They arise intuitively by allowing initial gestural strokes and markings across the surface to stimulate imaginative possibilities. Liberated from perspective considerations, her compositional elements conjoin in a spatial ambiguity that elevates us beyond temporal concerns. We are drawn into imagery synchronously alive in past, present and future realms and recognise that all life is fundamentally connected.
Opening event: Saturday 27 August, 4 – 6pm.