Peter Windarrwing Newry, Laargen. Natural ochre and pigment on canvas, 140 x 100cm. Courtesy: the artist’s estate, Waringarri Arts and NAP Contemporary, Mildura.
NAP Contemporary presents a limited release of works by Kimberley master Peter Windarrwing Newry (1939-2012) in collaboration with Waringarri Arts.
‘A series of meandering lines roll across the canvas. Each one wavers delicately, but determinedly, as it breaks through rich veins of fulvous ochre. This is Laargen, located deep within the Keep River National Park, where during the wet season, dozens of small creeks unite to become a gushing torrent of water that breathes life into the desert landscape. It is the ancestral country of the Miriwoong, and in Peter Newry’s painting, it is depicted with a majestic solemnity. Newry’s hand is one of dignified restraint; his marks dance on the canvas like an arcane calligraphy, each line a Zen-like meditation on time and space’ – Henry F Skerritt.
Opening Event: Friday 20 October, from 6pm.
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