Walantanalinany Palingina

A: 27 Tasma Street, North Hobart, TAS Australia

E: connect@wapatas.com

W: wapatas.com.au

F: Wapatasmania

Walantanalinany Palingina (WAPA) is a Tasmanian Aboriginal community multi arts initiative, motivated by conversations and dreams that have existed in their community for many years.

In 2016 a group of Aboriginal community members with the support of Contemporary Art Tasmania (CAT), sat around the table in conversation. What emerged was a clear desire to form a program that included a multi-arts outcome, partnerships, mentoring and development opportunities, the engagement of young and emergent practitioners, established artists working with young and emergent practitioners and embracing intergenerational transference of knowledge, events showcasing traditional to contemporary art forms, all coming together within an organisation that was challenging, provocative and brave.

A shared commitment and excitement in putting contemporary Aboriginal Arts Practice at the foreground of Tasmanian arts practice was ignited – and the ‘We’re Here!  A Tasmanian Aboriginal Multi-Arts Program’ was birthed under the banner of Walantanalinany Palingina (WAPA).


Arts Ceduna

Yamaji Art