Collector’s Dossier: Judith Wright

For more than 35 years Judith Wright has explored the otherworldliness of everyday happenings.

Art Fairs: With Hope In Our Hearts

The art fairs and events in our calendar from July - September 2021.

Art Centre: Ocean Going

Reaching far-flung audiences across the globe, Erub Arts brings to light the environmental and cultural issues at play within the thriving Torres Strait Island community.

Artist Profile: Atong Atem

Complex and drenched in personal and collective history, the work of Atong Atem asks us to refocus our gaze.

Agenda: A New Playground For Digital Art

What is an NFT? And more importantly, what does it mean for the art collector?

With All Due Respect: The Bigger Picture

A cautionary tale: Where did things go wrong with Santiago Sierra’s 'Union Flag'?

Money Sullies Art: Influencer or Master?

There’s a remaining romantic notion of artists that would have them properly shunning self-promotion. But increasingly, artists are turning to social media channels to sell their work, and collectors are getting comfortable with that.

Behind the Scenes: All For a Good Cause?

Are the costs to an artist of donating their works to charity auctions ever worth the benefit of exposure?

Pull Focus: Renee So

Micheal Do discusses what makes Renee So's work 'Venus of Valdivia II' work as a work of art.

Pull Focus: Danie Mellor

Louise Martin-Chew discusses what makes Danie Mellor's work 'The life of shadows [bala wurrmburr jubaru]' work as a work of art.