Tacit Art
A:Level 1, 189 Johnston St, Collingwood VIC Australia
P: +61 423 323 188

Ilona Jetmar: Sequence#1
Tacit Art presents work by Ilona Jetmar.

Michael Wedd: Entering the Subconscious
Tacit Art presents work by Michael Wedd.

Bruce Baycroft: An Unintended Aesthetic
Tacit Art presents work by Bruce Baycroft.

Linda Pickering: Re-Imagined
Tacit Art presents work by Linda Pickering.

Susan Stevenson: Ghosts in the Cement
Tacit Art presents work by Susan Stevenson.

Susan Wald: The Gathering
Tacit Art presents work by Susan Wald.

Group Exhibition: Artbox
Tacit Art presents a group exhibition.

Liz Sullivan: Different Beauty
Tacit Art presents work by Liz Sullivan.

Jessie Yvette Journoud-Ryan: The Way I Strut
Tacit Art presents work by Jessie Yvette Journoud-Ryan.

Julie Keating: Vapourscape
Tacit Art presents work by Julie Keating.

Josh Robbins: The restaurant at the end of the world
Tacit Art presents work by Josh Robbins.

Paul Bishop: All that is not ladder falls away
Tacit Art presents work by Paul Bishop.

Cat Poljski: Hidden Spaces
Tacit Art presents work by Cat Poljski.

Linda Weil: Bestiary Mechanica
Tacit Art presents work by Linda Weil.

Louise Donovan: Here & There
Tacit Art presents work by Louise Donovan.

Brendon Taylor: Fading Tools
Tacit Art presents work by Brendon Taylor.

Lesley Dickman: Flight
Tacit Art presents an exhibition of work by Lesley Dickman.

TJ Bateson: The two of us
Tacit Art presents work by TJ Bateson.

Merrin Eirth: My Theatre of Errors
Tacit Art presents work by Merrin Eirth.

Chris Lawry: Somewhere Near Here
Tacit Art presents work by Chris Lawry.

Group Exhibition: SUBSTRATE 23
Tacit Art presents a group exhibition.

Anna Caione: Strato
Tacit Art presents work by Anna Caione.

Terri Brooks: Painting is Architecture
Tacit Art presents work by Terri Brooks.

TJ Bateson: Tacit Voices [Redux]
Tacit Art presents works by TJ Bateson.

Shirley Ploog: Quiet Conversations
Tacit Art presents work by Shirley Ploog.

Lillian Bateson: A glimmer of light in the dark
Tacit Art presents work by Lillian Bateson.

Group Exhibition: Arbor
Tacit Art presents a group exhibition.

Paula McLoughlin: The conversation is broken
Tacit Art presents work by Paula McLoughlin.

John Rabling: And Still…
Tacit Art present works by John Rabling.

David McLeod: Greener Pastures
Tacit Art presents work by David McLeod.

Jan Palethorpe: Vanishing Point
Tacit Art presents works by Jan Palethorpe.

Group Exhibition: TACIT Still Life Prize 2022 [Redux]
Tacit Art presents a group exhibition.

Mat Hughes: This time, this place
Tacit Art presents work by Mat Hughes.

Saville Coble: Summertime
Tacit Art presents work by Saville Coble.

Group Exhibition: Bound Pigment
Tacit Art presents a group exhibition Bound Pigment.