Lockhart River Arts Centre

A: 1 Piiramo Street, Lockhart River, QLD

P: +61 7 4060 7341

E: manager@lockhartriverart.com.au

W: lockhartriverart.com.au

Facebook: lockhartriverart

On the eastern side of the Cape York Peninsula in Queensland is a prominent Indigenous Australian Art Centre, established in the Lockhart River Arts Indigenous Corporation.

Painters, weavers and crafters at the Art Centre include “The Old Girls”, a respected group of elders who are well-known their vibrant works. Also included are younger contemporary artists who have been the recipients of art prizes and awards, and whose works are included in major public and private collections across Australia and internationally. Some of the artists have passed on overtime but their legacy, traditional values and cultural heritage have left a footprint through their art.

The Lockhart River artists have a distinct contemporary body of work narrating culture and tradition, as well as their connection to their Country, way of life and generations both past, present and future.

During the wet season from January to May, the Art Centre is closed on Saturdays and Sundays. During the dry season from June to December, the Art Centre opens on Saturdays from 9am to 1pm and Sundays from 9am to 12pm. Outside these hours, visitors can organise visits by emailing the Art Centre in advance in both the wet and dry seasons.

Artists Include

Evelyn Omeenyo

Evelyn Sandy

Elizabeth “Queenie” Giblet

Patrick Butcher Jnr

Silas Hobson

Rosella Namok

Fiona Omeenyo

Samantha Hobson

Thelma Hobson

Margery Accoom

Dora Accoom

Geoffery Warradoo

Irene Namok

Denise Fruit

Johanne Omeenyo

Joanne Butcher

Leroy Platt

Terry Platt

Josiah Omeenyo

Sue Pascoe

Dorothy Hobson

Moira Macumboy

Cheryl Accoom

Trinity Dunn

Beryl Morton

Image: Rosella Namok, Light Rain, 2019. Acrylic on linen, 68 x 96cm.


Moa Arts