Artist Profile: Janet Fieldhouse
Janet Fieldhouse’s ceramic works seek to fulfil the functional and spiritual needs of the peoples of the Torres Straits.

On the Couch: Tim Olsen
Turning his back on artworld tall poppy antics, Tim Olsen credits his staff and artists with his gallery’s thirty years of success.

Cultural Capital: How Curators Make Prestige
New York artworld sociologist Hannah Wohl examines the role of curators in the contemporary art ecosystem, and decides that they are the highest status gatekeepers.

Behind the Scenes: The I in Collective
The first question still asked about an artwork is “Who made it?”. This needs reconsideration.

Artist Profile: Ali Tahayori
Ali Tahayori finds safety in darkness. It's curious, then, that his work relies on light.

David Griggs has prize judge in stitches
The Sydney-based artist has been named winner of the 2023 Mosman Art Prize.

What’s on for Melbourne Art Fair 2024
Find out what we know so far about the gallery list, program highlights, and a new commission…

Anita Johnson takes out Woollahra Small Sculpture Prize
The artist joins an illustrious list of winners and has bagged a significant prize for her efforts.

Inaugural art prize awarded to Western Australian artist
Girra: Fraser Coast National Art Prize takes wing.

Hazelhurst Arts Centre reveals prizewinners
Judges of the Hazelhurst Art on Paper Award 2023 have taken unprecedented steps to acknowledge the extraordinary finalists.