Durrmu Arts

A: Lot 15, Main Street, Peppimenarti Community, NT

P: +61 8 8978 1322

E: info@durrmuarts.com.au

W: durrmuarts.com.au

Instagram: @durrmuarts

Durrma Arts is renowned for its fine, contemporary art production, particularly acrylic painting and fibre work. Senior artist Regina Pilawuk Wilson leads a team of established and emerging artists whose works are based upon traditional weaving and durrmu (dot body painting) designs.

The women of Peppimenarti are traditionally weavers and have transposed their knowledge of fibre and textiles onto canvas. The results are paintings of intricate, abstract mark- making; some clearly representing syaw (fishnet) and wupun (basket weaving) through their layered textures, while others resemble fine tapestries. The men’s art lies in the production of body paint designs and cultural articles. Many of the male artists paint their inherited didgeridoo designs.

In 2000, artists Regina Wilson and Theresa Lemon represented the Peppimenarti Community at the Contemporary Art Biennale staged as part of the Pacific Arts Festival in Noumea. In 2003, Wilson was named the winner of the General Painting category of the Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres-Strait Islander Art Award, drawing further attention to the artistic output of this vibrant community. More recently, Wilson was chosen as a finalist in the 2021 Blake Prize at the Casula Powerhouse and the 2008 Wynne prize at the Art Gallery of NSW.

Durrmu Arts is a member of the Indigenous Art Code and ANKA (Arnhem, Northern and Kimberley Artists).

Current artists: Regina Pilawuk Wilson, Annunciata Wilson, Anastasia Wilson, Anne-Carmel Wilson, Kathleen Korda, Margaret Kundu, Annunciata Dartinga, Grace Dodson, Dakota Wilson, Carol Jimmy

Featured Image: Regina Wilson, Wupun (Sun Mat), (detail), 2020. Raw and naturally- dyed pandanus. Courtesy: Durrmu Arts.


High five for NIAF

The National Indigenous Art Fair is back this June for its 5th edition.
Regina Wilson photo by vanessa bellemore

Regina Pilawuk Wilson: Dreamweaver

Regina Pilawuk Wilson is a driving force behind the Peppimenarti Community who elegantly and innovatively translates traditional weaving techniques on to canvas.