Gab Titui Cultural Centre

A: Cnr Victoria Pde and Blackall St, Thursday Island, QLD

P: +61 7 4069 0888



Facebook: GabTituiCulturalCentre

THE GAB TITUI Cultural Centre is a contemporary art gallery and keeping place for cultural artefacts, located on Thursday Island – land of the Kaurareg nation, the traditional custodians of the Kaiwalagal region (Inner Islands) of the Torres Strait.

The art and traditions of Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal peoples are among the oldest and richest in human history. For generations, the ancient knowledge, stories, practices and beliefs of their ancestors have been passed down through language, ceremonies, song, dance, art and craft.

The Gab Titui Cultural Centre supports the region’s three art centres and works with more than 100 artists to display and sell their work through it’s gallery shop and two exhibition spaces. The Centre’s goal is to contribute to the preservation and revitalisation of the region’s rich cultures, and to the development and promotion of local Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal art. The Centre is open Monday to Friday from 10am to 5pm daily.

Artists include: Louis ‘Wilky’ Fauid, Nancy Mola, Rosaline Tomsana, Nancy Kiwat, Angela Torenbeek, Anthony ‘Gesa’ Pilot, Edmund Laza.

Featured Image: Nancy Kiwat, Kara Ama (My Mother), 2018. Brown potato bag, orange onion bag and floral fabric material, 72 x 34 x 26cm. Photo: George Serras. Courtesy: Gab Titui Cultural Centre.


Moa Arts