Wik and Kugu Arts Centre

A: 504 Themp St, Aurukun, QLD

P: +61 7 4060 6800

E: arts@aurukun.qld.gov.au

Website: wikandkuguarts.com

Instagram: @wikandkuguarts

THE PRACTICE of creating ceremonial objects for ritual dates back to the time of creation. In recent years, art market developments have allowed these ceremonial practices to be given a new contemporary context.

In the 1970s, the Queensland Government initiated an Art and Craft market for remote top-end Indigenous communities and the clans of Aurukun began to share parts of their material culture to the world. Since then, the Wik & Kugu Arts Centre has provided a cultural space for the maintenance of Aurukun’s artistic heritage where craftsmen and craftswomen are able to earn an income, support their families and maintain their cultural identities.

The legacy and practice of Wik & Kugu ceremony remain strong in Aurukun. Visits to the Wik & Kugu Arts Centre can be arranged with the manager via email or phone.

Artists include:

Garry Namponan, Leigh Namponan, Lex Namponan, Leo Namponan, Bevan Namponan, Vernon Marbendinar, Irene Pootchemunka, Olive Keeple, Lois Toikalkan, Vera Koomeeta, Sheryl Pamulkan, Maureen Karyuka, Heather Koowootha, Janet Koongotema, Jean Walmbeng, Roderick Yunkaporta, Keith Wikmunea, Bruce Bell, Alair Pambegan, Nathan Ampeybegan, Hans Welsh, Robert Karyuka.

Image: A work by Garry Namponan, 2021. Photo: Woyan-min Biocultural Project. Courtesy: Wik and Kugu Arts Centre.


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